PrimeTime Showcase and Camps (PT) has created its recommended best practices for return to play. When it comes to our participants and family’s lives, our organization would rather not play any guessing games. Please understand that at this time, this is the only way we are able to offer a traditional showcase experience for the student-athletes while adhering to public health restrictions.
Please, do not attend event if you are not comfortable with any of this guideline or measures being taken at a facility. PT will take the following health precautions to ensure the safety of participants, spectators, guests, and staff:
- We encourage all event attendees to practice social distancing.
- We encourage all event attendees to bring hand sanitizer, masks, chairs, antibacterial wipes and individually labeled hydration (ie. water or sports drinks) for personal use.
- Any person who is experiencing symptoms of sickness will be prohibited from attending the event/venue of play.
- All event attendees will be required to wear a mask.
- All posted and published local- and state-regulated guidelines shall be followed.
- Limited number of tickets (2) for players’ immediate family – A spectator/parent-to-player ratio of 2:1.
- Each family will be seated next to each other but will be spaced six feet apart from other families.
- There will be age restriction for guests: Individuals older than 65 years and older and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are strongly encouraged not to attend events at this time. We also suggest to not bring children under 12 years old.
- Tents: Restricted to family members only.
- One-way entry and One-way exit gates.
- As far as participants wearing masks, we are requiring this to help limit potential exposure among the student-athletes that will be participating in each session. We are trying to reduce the chance of players getting each other sick, and then possibly spreading the virus among family and friends.
- If you are around other people, try to maintain 6 feet of separation.
- Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
- All attendees must sign a liability waiver in order to participate in the event.
- Anyone who does not feel safe should not attend.
- Athletes/coaches may wear masks during workouts and games, as long as they feel safe to do so, but are not required. PT does recommend they be worn while walking within the facility.
- Expansion of the team dugouts to eliminate that space restriction – Players can stand outside the dugout for social distancing, but they cannot allow onto the field of play.
- All players and umpires must use their own equipment while participating. This includes gloves, bats, helmets, bags, catcher’s gear, towels, uniforms/clothing, or food/drinks.
- In dugouts, discontinue use of water coolers – NO water coolers. Players should bring their own, personal cooler instead of using a team cooler. Players should plan on bringing an individual water bottle.
- Home plate umpire will either be located between pitcher and 2B, socially distanced behind catcher, or be required to wear a mask behind the plate.
- Minimize player contact: NO players handshakes, hugs, chest bumps and/or players high fives. Suggestions for game celebrations and team sportsmanship: Tip their caps/visors or bow to each other from across the field.
- Limited bench personnel to essential personnel (players and staff).
- Parents: Must supply their sons with antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer for disinfecting shared playing equipment and cleaning hands between activities.
- Social distancing between teams/players in effect beyond the field of play.
- Sunflower seeds and chewing gum are not permitted.
- Players must wait until prior group players is completely off field and all equipment and trash is removed from dugout before entering.
- Spacing tables/chairs at least six feet apart and reducing and spreading the arrangement of seating at the field to incorporate appropriate social distancing between participants as well as between coaches and the PT staff.
- Coaches, Scouts, and other guests should practice social distancing.
- Staff, coaches, scouts, vendors, and officials all wear nose and mouth coverings while in the facility when in close contact with customers and players.
- Complimentary disposable face masks will be available at the entry point of the facility.
- PT Staff and officials may be subject to additional screening elements prior to working (i.e. temperature check, individual equipment, health questions, etc.). This includes wearing protective nose and face coverings and following strict health and safety guidelines.
- PT Staff will be available to assist with answering questions or reminding all attendees of policies enacted.
- PrimeTime works with multiple venue partners, so the measures may be different based on facility guidelines. All of us need to follow with all federal, state and local requirements and guidelines.
- Facility will ensure availability of handwashing, and/or alcohol-based hand gel, and/or hygiene facilities are available at facilities.
- Facility staff will be cleaning all restrooms multiple times per day.
- Seating area and waiting lines should be clearly marked for social distancing requirements when necessary.
- Law enforcement may be on site to ensure safety.
For more information, please contact Michael Judd at 908-531-4252 or Dylan Lefebvre at 863-640-4168, or email us at [email protected].